Very Important : Notice regarding updation of Mobile numbers at CIF level

Dear All,

This unit is receiving huge number of complaints regarding non-receipt of SMS alerts for the transactions done by POSB customers which is resulting in misappropriation of funds. Respective counter PA and Supervisor will be held responsible in case if any ATM card is issued without updating valid mobile number at CIF level. If not updated by 15 Feb 2019, all the ATM cards without mobile number at CIF level will be blocked centrally by NAU without any prior notice.

Hence below mentioned message should be prominently displayed in notice board, counters, DOP ATM premises and where ever feasible in regional language as well as in English.

"Dear POSB customer, Please get your mobile number updated at your home branch PO immediately for receiving SMS alerts. Your DOP ATM card will be blocked with effect from 15 Feb 2019, if mobile number is not updated.."

Thanks & regards,
Incharge Operations, DOP ATM Unit
CBS-CPC, 4th Floor, Bengaluru GPO Building
Toll free - 18004252440


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