NPS: Authorisation of withdrawals under National Pension System

Authorisation of withdrawals under National Pension System (NPS) - Online Partial/ Premature/ Superannuation/ Exit/ Death Withdrawal Requests: Railway Board

RBA No. 5/2019

No. 2017/AC-II/21/2
New Delhi, dated 15.01.2019

All Zonal Railways and PUs

Sub: Authorisation of withdrawals under National Pension System (NPS)

At present, the Personnel Deptt are exercising function of initiation as well as authorisation (approval) of withdrawal requests of staff of Personnel Deptt. It has been decided that as per maker/checker concept, the Personnel Deptt shall perform the function of initiator and Proposer' and Accounts Deptt. of 'Recommender and Authoriser' for processing the withdrawal requests.

The functionality to initiate aforementioned withdrawal requests has been enabled by NSDL for all PAOs. Accordingly, the withdrawal requests will be initiated by Subscribers/DDOs/Personnel Dept and further authorisation will be done by Accounts Dept login under CRA application. NSDL has also forwarded the SoP pertaining to the following withdrawals:

SOP_Online Partial Withdrawal Request
SOP_Online Premature Exit Withdrawal
SOP_Online Superannuation Withdrawal
SOP_Online Death Withdrawal Request

The above are available on Indian Railway website - under the following location Railway Board Directorates => Accounts => Instructions on New Pension System (NPS). Kindly ensure compliance and arrange to disseminate the procedural guidelines with all concerned.

DA: As above

(Sanjeev Sharma)
Director Finance/Accounts
Railway Board


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